Studia Ełckie

  is a scientific journal about man, who is a relational being. The basic relation proper to man is the relation to himself. It is expressed in the conscious experience of one's own thoughts, desires and feelings. By transcending himself, man enters into relations with other people (individuals or various communities). Finally, by transcending both himself and the community, man establishes relations with the Absolute

Publishing theoretical and empirical papers on personal, social and religious relationships contributes to a deeper understanding of man, both in his essence and in the social dimension.
The interdisciplinary nature of the journal allows for the publication of content that is the subject of studies undertaken in the field of humanities, social sciences, family sciences and theological sciences

Two issues per year (the first and the third) are thematic in nature, i.e. they present (and solve) a specific scientific problem from different perspectives

In addition to scientific articles, it is possible to publish academic papers such as historical resources, reports and reviews

Year of establishment – ​​1999 – since 2013 quarterly edition – Adalbertinum Publishing House in Ełk


Currently, submitted manuscripts are considered for publication in Studia Ełckie 28(2026).
One of the issues next year (first) will be devoted to the problem of love, and another (third) to the Second Vatican Council.

E-mail contact with the editorial board: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current Issue

okładka Studia Ełckie 26 2024 nr 4 strona


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Submitted texts may be written in Polish, English, German, or Spanish. The papers submitting for publication are invited to match one of the following academic domains: communication (media studies), education, history, law (canon law included), literature, philosophy, or religion (theology). Intending authors are encouraged to make direct contact with the editorial secretary: Fr. Ryszard Sawicki - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Papers can be considered for Studia Elckie only if:

  1. they have not previously been published elsewhere, and they are not being considered for publication elsewhere
  2. they follow the submission GUIDELINES.

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   Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum

   Plac Katedralny 1
   19-300 Ełk


e-ISSN 2353-1274

p-ISSN 1896-6896

DOI: 10.32090

Punktacja MEiN

2009 / 4, 2010 / 6, 2011 / 5,
2012 / 5, 2013 / 8, 2014 / 7,
2015 / 7, 2016 / 8, 2017 / 8,
2018 / 8, 2019 / 40, 2020 / 40,
2021 / 40, 2022 / 40, 2023 / 40,
2024 / 40 


Dziś 39

Miesiąc 882

Ogółem 167510