For Authors

  • The author is obliged to conduct and present scientific research in a reliable and ethical manner.
  • The author should clearly indicate and document the sources that allow checking the reported research results.
  • The article is the intellectual property of the author.
  • The journal does not charge any fees for submitting or editing articles.
  • By submitting an article, the author agrees to the review process.
  • The author should avoid plagiarism in any form (also self-plagiarism, falsification of data, etc.). Such actions are a violation of ethical standards and an unacceptable abuse that is strongly opposed by the editors.
  • The use of texts by foreign authors must be documented in such a way that there is no doubt who their creator is. Information and data obtained privately (e.g., conversation, correspondence) may only be used with the consent of their source.
  • If necessary, the author may be asked to provide research data that served him to present the conclusions contained in his article.
  • In order to counteract the phenomena referred to as “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”, the authors are obliged to comply with the “ghostwriting barrier”. We deal with “ghostwriting” when someone has made a significant contribution to the article, but has not disclosed his participation as one of the authors. All co-authors must agree as to the presented research results, as they are fully responsible for them. The “guest authorship” phenomenon consists in considering a specific person as one who did not make a significant contribution to the article, but worked for its final shape. Then that person should be included, for example in the “Acknowledgments”. Readers should be sure that the authors of the publication fairly and honestly present the results of their work, regardless of whether they are its direct authors or have used the help of specialized entities. Authors are obliged to inform the editorial board about the sources of funding for their article.
  • The author is obliged to properly cite those publications that had an impact on the presented conclusions and were used to justify his own research.
  • After receiving two reviews and the comments contained therein, the author is obliged to respond to them and introduce suggested corrections or changes to the text.
  • If, after the publication of the text, the author notices significant errors in it, he should inform the editors immediately. In this case, in cooperation with the editor-in-chief and the publishing house, an errata, annex, correction or withdrawal of the article should be made.
  • The article should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting a text for publication is tantamount to a declaration that it has not been previously published or submitted to the editorial boards of other journals.
  • Moreover, in other cases, “Studia Ełckie” applies the guidelines for authors formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics and defined in the Responsible research publication: international standards for authors.


For Editorial Board

  • The tasks of the editorial board include: ensuring compliance with ethical standards, taking care of the quality of published texts, ensuring the correctness of the entire review process, deciding which articles will be published, publishing errata, corrections or rectifications if necessary.
  • The editorial board is accountable for all contents of the journal (if not stated otherwise).
  • Articles are assessed in terms of compliance with ethical standards, their quality and compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal. The editors do not discriminate in any way against the authors in terms of their origin, nationality, political views, sex, race or religion.
  • Editorial board is obliged to care for scientific and ethical integrity of published articles. Any suspicions of unfair practices are investigated and exposed in the investigation process. Any ethical abuses (e.g., plagiarism, forgery, manipulation, etc.) should be reported to the editor-in-chief (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Such a report can be made by a member of the editorial board, reviewer, reader and a person who suspects lack of reliability or perceives ethical abuse.
  • The author who has committed the breach of ethical principles, especially plagiarism, is responsible for this type of abuse. As a consequence, his text is removed from the journal; the information about its removal from the journal and from the electronic databases to which it was accepted appears on the website (in the case of the printed version, the relevant statement is included in the next issue of the journal). In addition, the author, institutions employing the author, reviewers and aggrieved persons are informed about the situation and its consequences. If the author has committed a minor ethical abuse, his article may be republished after appropriate correction.
  • Editors are obliged not to disclose information about the entire editorial process.
  • Any complaint against a journal or editorial board should be in writing. If it concerns a journal or editorial board members, it must be addressed to the editor-in-chief (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), and if it concerns the editor-in-chief, it should be addressed to the publisher (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and communicated to the editor-in-chief. Examples of complaints are: violation of the author's rights, lack of efficient communication, lengthiness or lack of action by the editorial board. The complainant should receive a written answer within 30 days from the date of submitting the complaint.
  • Editors may withdraw an article or decide to correct an article that has already been published. Unpublished texts may not be used in the publishing process without the author's consent.
  • The editor-in-chef makes the final decision to publish an article. It is based on the observance of ethical standards, the scientific value of the text, its compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal, and on the assessment issued by reviewers.
  • In other cases, “Studia Ełckie” applies the guidelines included in the Responsible research publication: international standards for editors.


For Reviewers

  • All scientific articles undergo a review process, which is described in the tab entitled The Reviewing Procedure.
  • The reviewer must be an expert in a given field and the evaluation he gives should be objective.
  • Because reviewers are involved in the editorial process, they have a significant influence on decisions about publishing articles. Their assessments and suggested corrections have an impact on the final shape of the articles.
  • The reviewer has a limited time to complete the review. In the case of delays or resignation from carrying out the review, the reviewer is obliged to immediately notify the editorial board.
  • Only authorized persons are allowed to view the articles under review: the author, editorial board, reviewers.
  • The evaluation of the article issued by the reviewer may only concern substantive and formal issues. Any comments about the author are unacceptable.
  • It is the duty of the reviewer to disclose all cases which indicate the similarity of the reviewed article to other texts. The reviewer should note which important sources were not included by the author.
  • The articles under review are kept confidential. Therefore, reviewers are not allowed to use reviewed texts during the review procedure. If a conflict of interest is noticed between the reviewer and the author, the reviewer should resign from the reviewing procedure. A conflict of interest is understood as: business dependence, direct scientific cooperation, direct personal relations, etc.
  • The rules for reviewers adopted by the editors of the journal “Studia Ełckie” comply with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


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   Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum

   Plac Katedralny 1
   19-300 Ełk


e-ISSN 2353-1274

p-ISSN 1896-6896

DOI: 10.32090

Punktacja MEiN

2009 / 4, 2010 / 6, 2011 / 5,
2012 / 5, 2013 / 8, 2014 / 7,
2015 / 7, 2016 / 8, 2017 / 8,
2018 / 8, 2019 / 40, 2020 / 40,
2021 / 40, 2022 / 40, 2023 / 40,
2024 / 40 


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