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The BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license for the "Studia Ełckie" allows anyone to download any part of the journal and share it with others so long as (1) they give full credit to "Studia Ełckie" and its authors and (2) it is shared for educational purposes only and not commercially.
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   Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum

   Plac Katedralny 1
   19-300 Ełk


e-ISSN 2353-1274

p-ISSN 1896-6896

DOI: 10.32090

Punktacja MEiN

2009 / 4, 2010 / 6, 2011 / 5,
2012 / 5, 2013 / 8, 2014 / 7,
2015 / 7, 2016 / 8, 2017 / 8,
2018 / 8, 2019 / 40, 2020 / 40,
2021 / 40, 2022 / 40, 2023 / 40,
2024 / 40 


Dziś 16

Miesiąc 1517

Ogółem 152847