






view: pdfe-book SE 26 (2024) nr 2



  • Peter A. Redpath
    Aquinas on Philosophy as Prudent Desire, Pursuit, and Job of the Wise Man and Culture: To Understand First Principles and Causes of the Whole Truth about Everything
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260208 - view: pdfArticle

  • Daniel P. Thero
    Two Varieties of Akrasia
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260209 - view: pdfArticle


  • Arleta Suwalska
    Values in the School Subject of Ethics in the 2015 National Core Curriculum for Upper Secondary Schools of General Education in Finland
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260210 - view: pdfArticle

  • Tibor Reimer, Daniela Depešová
    Development of Soft Skills in Religious Education
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260211 - view: pdfArticle


  • Kęstutis Žemaitis
    Religious Literature and the Work of the „Poor Sisters” Banned by the Soviet Authorities

    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260212 - view: pdfArticle


  • Bartosz Skawiński
    Synodalność – prawo i obowiązek wszystkich wiernych
    Sinodality – The Right and Duty of all the Faithful

    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260213 - view: pdfArticle


  • Agnieszka Wojtyra
    Meaning in Life among Young People in Poland. A Sociological and Theological Perspective
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260214 - view: pdfArticle

  • Algimantas Katilius
    Conflicts over the Language of Additional Service in the Samogitian (Telšiai) Diocese: The Cases of Zarasai and Čekiškės Parishes
    DOI: 10.32090/SE.260215 - view: pdfArticle


  • Wojciech Guzewicz
    Kościoły i parafie diecezji ełckiej (cz. 20)
    Churches and Parishes of the Diocese of Ełk (Part 20)

    view: pdfText


  • Wojciech Guzewicz
    Nadbużanin [Józef Barwiński], Józef Koniuszewski. Wspomnienia z czasów prześladowania Unitów na Podlasiu, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Siedleckiej UNITAS, Siedlce 20212, ss. 98.
    view: pdfText

  • Marcin Sieńkowski
    Joseph Ratzinger, Bóg wiary i Bóg filozofów. Rozum filozoficzny – Kultura – Europa – Społeczeństwo, t. 3, cz. 1, przeł. J. Merecki, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2021, ss. 486.
    view: pdfText



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Flag of United KingdomThe internet edition of Studia Elckie 26(2024), no. 2 is primary to the paper one. Both editions were sponsored by The Publishing House Adalbertinum in Elk (Poland).

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   Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum

   Plac Katedralny 1
   19-300 Ełk


e-ISSN 2353-1274

p-ISSN 1896-6896

DOI: 10.32090

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